Categories: BBCAN7

Big Brother Canada 7 Premiere Recap: Meet the New Houseguests

Big Brother Canada 7 launch night has finally arrived. The house that brought us iconic players like Ika Wong, Neda Kalantar, Paras Atashnak, and Cassandra Shahinfar returns to give us more memorable moments and players. Fourteen new players move in tonight and the Canadian public gets to vote in one player between two choices, giving us fifteen new people to love or hate. This public vote is just one of the many twists and turns to expect this year for Big Brother Canada 7. We already know one will involve Canada voting  to give someone a secret advantage.

This is the first part of the two night premiere. Tomorrow we get to see more of the first week action and meet the player who won the public vote (we presume). We got a lot to get into tonight and it’s going to be an exciting hour.  So grab your popcorn and join us as we live recap the Big Brother Canada 7 premiere.

BBCAN7 Move-In:

We are now meeting the first fourteen houseguests fighting for $100,000. We’ll get to see them in two groups of seven with one person getting a little bit of an advantage on move-in day. Let’s watch the introduction videos and get to know these people a little better.

Host Arisa Cox announced that the houseguest voted by Canada gets some secret entail. She also mentioned a “Bloody Veto.” Yes, we’re intrigued…

The agent selected to receive secret entail is Damien. 

He mentions being First Nation and Irish. He prides himself on his First Nations background. He also talks about his hockey background and wanting to be a remodel for kids. He comes out in a jazzy red jacket, and he’s a little confused until Arisa tells him about the twist and being chosen by Canada. Arisa warns that he can never tell anyone about his secret advantage. He then goes in to look around. Damien doesn’t quite know where to do or where to look, lots of nervous laughing and talking to himself aloud. A shot to the Wendy’s sign where lots of Frostys will be given out.

After much looking, Damien finally finds the room and sees the Veto.

Switch to introduction of five other people.

Laura and Dane up. She talks about being judged for her looks, and Dane talks about his hockey background. Chelsea mentions her radio host job and pageant world. She mentions being opinionated. We then see Adam who is an oil field worker. Eddie talks about learning English from watching Big Brother Canada. He also says that most people are stupid. Once the houseguests enter, all the video screens are revealed to Damien. He gets to watch the new houseguests from a secret room.

Adam is already trying to talk game with Dane. Laura and Eddie then walk in to interrupt their conversations, and Damien already thinks he can work with Adam and Dane in the future.

Mark talks about not having morals but come from a religious family. Next up Samantha, Anthony, and Kiera. Last up is Kailin, the psychic. For some reason, everyone chose unique formal attire and it works for them.

Samantha and Laura already mention a twist where someone gets to spy on everyone. This makes Damien a little nervous, but then Arisa tells him his spy mission is over, so he can keep up the act of not knowing more than anyone else.

The final houseguests are Kyra, the non-gender binary houseguest, Estefania, a good energy  girl, Maki, the poet/DJ, and Damien.

Now time for the houseguests to introduce themselves to each other, and all the lies start.

Arisa announces that they have to tell each other their weak spots. They then watch videos of where they told Big Brother Canada their biggest weaknesses and secrets. Some of their lives already got EXPOSED. So dirty of Big Brother Canada, but we loved it!

BBCAN7 Week 1 Head of Household Competition:

Which houseguest will gain all the power week one? Could it help them advance their game or put an early target on their back? Only time will tell.

It’s called “Operation Escape.” They must race to untie themselves, but must figure out how to get the keys to untie themselves. The first houseguest to dig there way through and hit the buzzer. There is no Veto competition this week, so if you’re put on the block this week, you have a 50/50 chance of going home this week.

Everyone starts going fast and furious to get to the keys. Adam escapes first, followed by Kiera and Estefania. There is only four spots left to go to the second part of the competition. Kailyn and Anthony then make it. Mark is second to last. Only one more spot left. Maki gets the last spot.

Adam kills the second round and beasts his way through digging.

Adam becomes the first Head of Household. 

The last twist involves voting in a new houseguest. It’s between Cory and Holly. Whoever Canada picks enters the house tomorrow and then they only have a day to complete a mission. If they fail to complete it, they must leave the house.

Who will get your vote? Join us tomorrow for another recap and all season for more Big Brother Canada 7 recaps, spoilers, news, and updates.

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