Categories: BBCAN7

Big Brother Canada 7 Episode 2 Recap: Did Canada Vote in Holly or Cory?

We had an epic first night of Big Brother Canada 7 with twists after twists. The houseguests weren’t the only ones with their mouths hanging wide open at the end of the hour, the fans were as well. The first episode of Big Brother Canada 7 introduced us to fourteen houseguests that are competing for the big prize money and a few things that’s going to cause them major anxiety.

The end of the hour brought a major twist: a fifteenth houseguest will be introduced. However her stay in the game might be short lived. She only has 24-hours to complete a mission. If she fails it, then she is automatically evicted. Big Brother Canada is very ruthless this season and we’re kind of loving it.

The other two twists all involved getting entail from the houseguests. Damien won Canada’s vote and got to enter the house early. He then had an all access look at what the other houseguests were doing and saying when they walked into the door. Next, everyone watched videos of houseguests exposing secrets and weaknesses. Some secrets were way bigger than others, so some people got the short end of the straw on that one.

The first Head of Household played out as expected: Adam won it. It was a critical one to win because Arisa Cox introduced a major twist for this week. There is no Veto competition and that means that one of Adam’s two original nominees will go home this week. Tonight we should see who those nominees are along with who won Canada’s vote.

BBCAN7 Week 1 Nominations:

Adam holds the power this week, and with someone going home without a chance of Veto, it’s really critical for everyone to get on his good side. We should see a lot of butt kiss to stay safe.

Adam forms a four men alliance with Mark, Dane, and Anthony. He then sets his sights on finding out who to nominate. Damien makes himself an easy target by trying to become part of the Adam and Dane alliance that he witnessed form, but he also talks about not being a super fan. He believes this will make him seem like less of a threat, but it actually makes Adam want to target him. He doesn’t like that Damien took the place of someone else who was an actual fan.

Eddie notices that everyone will be kissing Adam’s butt, so he tries to do the same. He also plays down his personality and intelligence to seem more shy and confused. Sam and Adam form an instant bond both being from Newfoundland. Later, Laura talks to Adam about targeting Sam, which of course sends red flags to him because they’re in an alliance.

Adam’s shortlist includes Eddie, Damien, Kiera, and Laura. Minus Damien, he picks these people because he seems them as threats to his game in someway. Eddie might be a mental threat, Kiera a comp threat, and Laura a threat to one of his teammates. He targets Damien because of the show not being his dream and he sees him as a physical threat.

Adam nominates Laura and Damien for eviction.

Both Damien and Laura feel a little blindsided by their nomination. Damien remembers the secret Veto, so he tries to figure out a way to find it without anyone else noticing. Laura then tries to do damage control with Sam and Adam.

Adam randomly walks around the house and finds the secret room. He tries to look around it to see what’s going on but finds nothing. He thinks someone already found a Veto or something. Then he shows the room to Sam and Dane. Later everyone discovers it. They all try to figure out what the room could mean.

BBCAN7 Week 1 Live Vote and Eviction:

Someone goes first but who?

Damien starts to rap which goes over well with the group, and Adam asks Laura to do the same. She refuses, which seems to not go over well with people. Later, the group discuss voting out Laura vs. Damien. They don’t know who to pick because Damien looks like a physical threat and is harder to read. Laura seems more of a loose cannon.

Sam votes to evict Laura

Dane votes to evict Laura

Eddie votes to evict Laura

Kiera votes to evict Laura

Chelsea votes to evict Laura

Kyra votes to evict Laura

Anthony votes to evict Laura

Maki votes to evict Laura

Kailyn votes to evict Laura

Stef votes to evict Laura

Mark votes to evict Laura

Laura is evicted from the Big Brother Canada house.

Laura says she doesn’t have any regrets/ It was how she felt in the moment.

Canada’s Vote Winner Is…

Will Cory or Holly win Canada’s vote? You decide.

Canada votes in Cory, cue not so happy current houseguests’ faces. She has 24 hours to make three final two deals or she has to leave the game. This might be really hard with everyone already not trusting her. If Cory succeed in her mission, she not only stays but gets a week of immunity.

Join us Sunday night for another Big Brother Canada recap. And keep it here all season for updates, recaps, spoilers, and news. Get excited because Big Brother Canada is officially back!

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