Categories: BBCAN7

Big Brother Canada 7 Episode 12 Recap: Sam Takes Control

Tonight, we’re in for an exciting battle as a new Head of Household is crowned. Last Thursday, we witnessed a Big Brother Canada 7 double eviction. It lead to the end of Chelsea and Eddie‘s games. Adam ended the night as the outgoing Head of Household. This means everyone is eligible for this HoH title.

Tonight’s episode should also show a bit of the workings that led to Eddie’s eviction. Then we should find out what exactly this Blood Veto mess is all about. Get ready for another wild Big Brother Canada 7 ride.

BBCAN7 Double Eviction Fall Out:

Adam had the driver’s seat during the Double Eviction. He could have made a huge move, but he took out Eddie. Will his decision have any consequences?

BBCAN7 Week 5.5 Head of Household:

The Pretty Boys are running the game, but is it time for their reign of power to end?

For this competition, houseguests had to run around the house to memorizes certain scenes. They then had to answer true or false questions about them. The player with the most points became HoH.

At the end of the rounds, Sam, Este, and Dane were tied for first place. They went to a tie-breaker question.

Sam gets the closest to the real answer and wins.

Este, Kiki, and Dane are pretty upset about Sam’s win. They think this is the worst case scenario. Dane worries that he’s going to be backdoored. Este feels like she let Kiki down because she’ll be the target. Meanwhile, Sam and Adam discuss this week’s nominees.

Sam isn’t sure she can trust Adam because of “his little thing on the side.”

BBCAN7 Blood Veto Reveal:

Big Brother gave the houseguests the power this week. They have to pick who to reward the Blood Veto.

Arisa comes on the screen to announce a secret room. Everyone runs to find it, but Damien already knows. Este is in the same room so he brings her in too. They try to get to the Veto but the alarm just goes off. Eventually everyone comes in the room to try for the Veto.

The houseguests wake up to discover that the Veto is missing.

Later, Sam is called to the HOH room. Meanwhile, everyone else had to the backyard for a decision…

The houseguests have to unanimously agree who gets the Veto. Kyra is the first one to step up and say they want it. Adam agrees that Kyra is the best choice to respect Sam’s nominations. Dane tries to intervene, and then Este says she wants it.

The houseguests must pick between Este and Kyra. Mark is worried that if Este has it, she’ll save Kiki. Kyra agrees no matter what to not use it (yeah right). The houseguests put up a weak fight and just let Kyra have it.

Adam and Sam then discuss how weird it is that no one really fought for it.

BBCAN7 Week 5.5 Nominations:

There are only so many weeks left. Time to make big moves or go home.

Sam mentions putting up Anthony but she takes him to Wendy’s to see if she can get info out of him/work with him in the future. She’s also considering Mark and Kiki. She has a discussion with Kiki, where Kiki says that she wants to work with Sam and she thinks Mark is dangerous.

Sam’s shortlist includes Anthony, Mark, Dane, and Kiki. She ends up nominating Mark and Kiki.

Screencapped by 89razorskate20

Join us Wednesday at 7:00pm EST/6:00pm CST for another Big Brother Canada 7 recap. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook to keep up with all the action. Also download our app and sign up for email updates!

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