Categories: BBCAN7

Big Brother Canada 7 Episode 10 Recap: The Fight for Veto Intensifies

Once again, Dane is back in charge in the Big Brother Canada 7 house. Last time Dane was in power, we got an epic eviction night–one with a split vote. His last time in power, Dane made a few enemies, but not enough to really damage his game. This time around, Dane seems to want to be bathed in blood.

His whole goal this week is to get Sam or Chelsea out the game. Both players are dangerous for his long-term game. He wants Sam and Chelsea out, mainly both for their competition potential and their ability to harm the Pretty Boys.

Pretty Boys founder Adam has fallen hard for Sam. He likes her enough to mess up his strong Pretty Boys alliance. Despite Adam promising them his loyalty, Dane, Anthony, and Mark know that the longer Sam stays, the more dangerous she becomes because of her bond with Adam.

Chelsea just seems like a major threat because she’s the one that has the intelligence, social skills, and competition abilities to outsmart the Pretty Boys and win Big Brother Canada 7.

When Sunday’s episode ended, Dane nominated Kyra and Chelsea. Chelsea was his main target, but if a backdoor Sam option presented itself, Dane talked about taking it. Tonight’s Big Brother Canada 7 Power of Veto episode will reveal whether Dane has the guts or opportunity to take out his friend’s girl

BBCAN7 Week 4 Power of Veto Comp:

The Head of Household still can’t compete for Veto. Therefore, Dane needs to hope one of the Pretty Boys get selected and wins the Veto. Otherwise, the pretty girls might take out the Pretty Boys.

Despite being on the block next to her, Kyra vows to save Chelsea this week. She puts Adam through a test by accusing him of telling Dane about all the alliance. Adam falls right for the trap and goes to tell Dane. Then Kyra catches him.

She then regroups with Chelsea and Sam to tell them not to trust Adam. Prior to this test, Chelsea starts to get emotional about being seen as manipulative and a target in the game.

Chelsea doesn’t think Adam would really try to ruin her game, so Sam and her discuss whether they should make this week about throwing Kyra under the bus. They then tell Adam what Kyra is saying about him. They (Kyra) then walk in on the conversation and things get a bit awkward.

Dane explains the rules for Veto picking ceremony. He picks out Mark’s name, Chelsea picks Sam’s name, and Kyra picks Cory’s name. Cory, Mark, Sam, Chelsea and Kyra are playing for Veto. Dane hypes up Chelsea to win Veto, but in reality, he hopes she doesn’t win. If she does, he will backdoor Sam. If Sam wins, he’s in a pickle.

For this POV comp,

Houseguests had to compete against each other, in head to head battles. They had to complete an obstacle course three times. The first person of each round to complete all three times won POV. The first part involved going over and under bars, the second part was walking a balance beam, and third part was a ring toss.

Round #1-Mark vs Kyra-Mark won

Round #2-Chelsea vs Mark-Mark won

Round #3-Sam vs Cory-Cory won

Round #4-Cory vs Mark-Cory won

Cory won the Power of Veto.

BBCAN7 Week 4 Power of Veto Ceremony:

Will the Veto be used to save Kyra or Chelsea?

Chelsea starts to see exactly how good Dane is at Big Brother. She says while everyone is playing his game, she’s here to play her own. Kyra and Chelsea then separately campaign for Cory to use it on them. They both know its a longshot.

Later, Chelsea has a talk with herself about how dirty does she want to play the game?

Cory decided not to use the Veto.

Both Kyra and Chelsea declared that they would fight for their spot in the game. Let’s see tomorrow who makes it.

Image screencapped by 89razorskate20

Join us tomorrow for an intense hour of BBCAN7 madness! We’re having a Double Eviction!

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