Big Brother Canada 10 Episode 14 Recap: Who Went Home During The Double Eviction?

We’re in for an hour of excitement as Big Brother Canada 10 is having its first double eviction. This double eviction will be even more exciting than other double evictions because it’s not like any of the others that we’ve seen in previous seasons. Big Brother Canada is a master at reinventing double evictions.  First, they gave us the very traumatizing idea of a triple eviction. Next, they brought hope back with the fake double eviction, and now we don’t know if we should be hopeful or expect trauma with this all-new chain of safety double eviction. We’re in for a whirlwind night.

On Wednesday’s BBCAN10 episode, Head of Household Jessica Gowling named Tynesha White as the replacement nominee when Hermon Nizghi won the Power of Veto Competition and took himself off the block. Jess chose Tynesha because of Kevin Jacob‘s efforts to keep his final two partner Haleena Gill off the block. Jess also believed that Tynesha would be the safest against Moose Bendago on the block. Jess really wanted Jess out this week. Will they get their way?\

BBCAN10 Week 5 Power of Veto Ceremony Fall-out

Can Tynesha save herself from being a pawn that goes home? Haleena isn’t happy that people’s she’s working with mentioned her name to Jess. She also considers turning against Tynesha. Jess also says that Tynesha or Moose going is good for their game because neither of them would prioritize working with them. Moose makes some promises to Kevin, which don’t matter because he was already planning on saving Moose.

Kevin then goes to work to plant the idea in Gino and Jacey-Lynne’s heads that maybe this is the week for revenge after the Stephanie blindeside. Summer suspects that Tynesha may be the actual target. Kevin decides he wants to bring Josh to the dark side by bringing him in a secret alliance with him and Haleena.

Josh doesn’t need much persuading before deciding he’s okay with betraying Tynesha because she’s a good player. Gino let’s Tynesha know that he hasn’t made a decision on his vote. She starts to cry.

BBCAN10 Week 5 Eviction Vote

Betty votes to evict Moose

Haleena votes to evict Tynesha

Hermon votes to evict Moose

Jacey-Lynne votes to evict Tynesha

Josh votes to evict Moose

Kevin votes to evict Tynesha

Marty votes to evict Tynesha

Gino votes to evict Tynesha

Summer votes to evict Moose

Tynesha is evicted by a 5-4 vote. 

BBCAN10 Chain of Safety

what the heck is it? For the Chain of Safety, houseguests compete for individual safety. The winner of the first challenge becomes the first chain.

The first competition involves rolling a bowling ball to see who gets the highest score.











Moose wins safety.

Moose gets to then picks who they want to make safe this week. Then the next player gets to pick and on and on until there are only three players left. The final three must compete to keep one of them safe. The other two go on the block and one will be voted out.

Moose makes Hermon safe.

Hermon makes Josh safe.

Josh makes Betty safe.

Betty makes Summer safe.

Summer makes Kevin safe.

Kevin makes Marty safe.

Marty makes Haleena safe.

Jess, Gino, and Jacey-Lynne must compete in the second safety competition.

So all my theories were right about the Chain of Safety. 

For this competition, Jacey-Lynne, Gino, and Jess must sort their balls in the correct tube. The first houseguest to get all their balls in the right tube wins safety.

Jacey-Lynne wins safety. 

This means that this week’s nominees are Jess and Gino. 

BBCAN10 Week 6 Eviction Vote

Betty votes to evict Jess

Haleena votes to evict Gino

Moose votes to evict Jess

Hermon votes to evict Jess

Jess votes to evict

Jacey-Lynne votes to evict Jess

Josh votes to evict Jess

Kevin votes to evict Jess

Marty votes to evict Gino

Summer votes to evict Jess

Jess is evicted 7-2

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