It’s been a busy few days in the Big Brother Canada 9 house. We had a house meeting, vote flips, and the Sunsetters already experiencing a fracture in their alliance. Austin may be the Head of Household, but she doesn’t have much power this week with the Sunsetters majority having the numbers to control the game. Currently, Rohan and Josh are sitting on the block. By the end of Tuesday night, it wasn’t looking good for Josh as the majority of the BBCAN9 house were ready to vote him out.
Jedson decided to call a house meeting because he heard people mentioning his name and wanted to get to the bottom of things. During the meeting, Josh tried to expose that Austin allegedly wanted to target Jedson, and that Rohan and Kyle were trying to as well because the three are in an alliance together. Kyle, Rohan, and Austin denied, denied, and more denied. Basically, they flipped everything to make Josh look like a liar.
However, Josh made it clear that Austin was now his target to everyone. He then used this in his campaign. After talking to Kiefer (who Josh thinks is a lone-wolf), he devised a pitch to only six people: LaToya, Jedson, Tychon, Tina, Kiefer, and Tera. He wanted to make the final seven with them. He also gave them permission to use him as a pawn by nominating him every week and even to throw him under the bus. Josh also promised to keep those six players safe.
LaToya and Tera really started to think about Josh’s offer because it would make their potential HOH reigns easier, and he could be a shield for them as long as he was in the game. LaToya and Kiefer also knew that Kyle and Rohan wanted to target members of Sunsetters. So if they got out Rohan, it weakened Kyle and ensured that they had one less person coming after them. And if Josh was telling the truth, it would give them a new ally.
LaToya started pushing hard for Josh to stay and Rohan to go. The other Sunsetters members weren’t as convinced. Many of them kept flip-flopping back and forth. Beth, Tychon, and Jedson didn’t want to vote out Rohan because it would make Austin upset because they didn’t respect her HOH request and they would leave someone in the game who wants to go after her. It would also likely expose the Sunsetters alliance. They also worried that Kyle would be coming right after Tychon and Jedson if this vote flip happened. They also saw this move as something that benefited LaToya more than them.
By the end of Wednesday night, the vote Rohan out plan had pretty much died because Beth especially wasn’t willing to change her vote, and the only way for the flip to work, all six Sunsetters members had to agree. Kyle and Rohan also learned that a vote flip almost happened, so it’ll be interesting to see what they do with that information if either of them wins HOH this week.
Julie’s eviction happened at the very last minute, so anything could really happen tonight, but as of now, Josh will be the houseguest leaving.
Who do you want to see leave this week?
Make sure to tune in tonight for the second BBCAN9 eviction of the season at 8:00pm EST.
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