Big Brother Canada 9 Spoilers: Week 8 Power of Veto Competition Results

Big Brother Canada 9 is down the final six Big Brother Canada 9 players, which means that everyone plays in this week’s Power of Veto competition. This means that no one can be backdoored this week. This also means that there is a 50 percent chance that the trio will win or lose the Power of Veto competition. The best-case scenario for the BBCAN9 trio is if Tychon wins the Power of Veto competition, then uses the Veto to take Jedson off the block. This would force Tera to nominate someone not in the trio. And the trio would have the votes to send out whoever ends up on the block against the other trio member.

The interesting thing about this week is that it’s a fake double eviction, so whoever is evicted for this eviction may end up returning to the game, so all Tera’s hard work may be undone in a matter of moments.

Currently, the only players who have not won Veto competitions yet are Beth and Breydon, this means that the cards are fairly evenly stacked up and anyone can win the Veto. It all depended on what type of competition played out yesterday. Yesterday, the feeds were down all night, so we didn’t learn who won the Veto until this morning.

BBCAN9 Week 8 Power Of Veto Competition Results

  • Jedson won the Power of Veto

Jedson should take himself down this week, but some are going to try to convince him to take down Beth this week. I think Jedson won’t be that dumb. Instead, Jedson will likely take himself down on Monday. Then Tychon will most likely face off against Beth as the replacement nominee. I suspect that Breydon, Jedson, and Kiefer will all vote out Beth this week. It’s a fake double eviction week, so Beth, or whoever is evicted this week could easily come back. Make sure to add us on Facebook, Twitter, and download our app for the latest BBCAN9 spoilers, news, exclusives, and much more

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