Big Brother Canada 9 Episode 16 Recap: A Backdoor Plan Unfolds

On Monday’s Big Brother Canada 9 episode, Beth nominated Rohan and Tera but she has a bigger target in mind. Beth wants to backdoor Victoria. Her trio alliance isn’t so sure about this because they rather Rohan go before Victoria. Whether Rohan or Victoria becomes this week’s target will all depend on the Power of Veto.

Beth has already told Rohan that she wants him to win this week’s Veto, so that she can execute her backdoor plan. If Beth is true to her word, she’ll try to make sure Rohan wins it by asking any of her alliance members (if they’re planning in the Veto competition) to throw it to Rohan. The great thing about Victoria is that she’s a fighter, so if she does end up on the block, she won’t go down without giving it her all.

BBCAN9 Week 6 Nomination Fall Out

Rohan wants to believe he isn’t the target but the stress of being on the block four times may get to him. This is Tera’s first time on the block, how will she handle it?

Victoria snd Beth talk after the nominations and Beth celebrates. Tera was worried that the backdoor plan isn’t real.

Things get kind of intense between Tera, Tina, and Kiefer as they disagree on who needs to go this week between Victoria and Rohan.

Tychon, Kiefer, and Jedson try to argue for Rohan to go, but Beth and Breydon want Victoria to go.

Kiefer starts to worry that Beth is priorities Breydon over him. Beth admits that she thinks Breydon is more likely to take her in a final four situation.

BBCAN9 Week 6 Power of Veto Competition

Rohan and Tera need to give this week’s Power of Veto competition their all because it could mean the difference between staying in the game and being the first member of the BBCAN9 jury.

Tychon, Breydon, and Tina are picked to play in the Veto competition.

The challenge involves memorizing where all the foods are on a grill. Then toss the foods on the picnic table. The Veto winner also wins a grill from Weber.

Rohan won the Power of Veto

BBCAN9 Week 6 Power of Veto Ceremony

Will Beth’s backdoor plan actually happen? Everyone plotting against Victoria to make sure they see her on the block. Beth really starts to question whether she’s making the right decision by backdooring Victoria.

Rohan uses the Veto on himself and Beth nominates Victoria as his replacement. 

Tomorrow either Tera or Victoria will be the first member of the BBCAN9 jury. Then someone else will join her in the double eviction.


  • Short Jedson and Beth showmance segment.
  • Rohan wins the Skip the Slop vote.

Join us tomorrow at 9:00pm EST for the first Big Brother Canada 9 live double eviction! Add us on Facebook, Twitter, and download our app for all the latest BBCAN9 news, spoilers, recaps, and more.

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