Categories: BBCAN8

Big Brother Canada 8 Episode 4 Recap: Will Micheal Be Backdoored?

Big Brother Canada 8 ended Sunday’s episode with Chris becoming the newest Head of Household. He convinced himself that Micheal and the Evictors are a danger to his BBCAN8 game, so Chris wants to stop that foursome (Micheal, John Luke, Rianne, and Madeline) by removing its leader: Micheal. Chris also wants to take Micheal out the Big Brother game to try to get Rianne and Madeline as allies. The other Big Brother Canada 8 houseguests also heavily encouraged Chris to try to get Micheal out this week because of the Evictors’ obvious alliance.

Instead of going straight for Micheal, Chris decided to attack through a backdoor plan. He didn’t have a game relationship with Hira and Brooke, so he knew that they would be good pawns for him. Chris nominated Hira and Brooke with the hopes that one could win Veto and save themselves from eviction. This would allow him to nominate Micheal as the replacement.

BBCAN8 Week 2 Post-Nominations Fall Out:

Many of the BBCAN8 players know that Brooke and Hira aren’t Chris’s real target, including the nominees themselves, but will doubt and worry cause some tension?

Hira and Brooke aren’t happy with the nominations, but Chris consistently talks about his plans to take out Micheal. Meanwhile, Jamar and Minh-Ly enjoy some alone time to kiss. Chris tries to plant the idea that he wants to backdoor Minh in the heads of John Luke and Micheal so that they use the Veto. John Luke then tells Rianne Chris’s backdoor Minh plan. They all think it’s a smart and good idea.

BBCAN8 Week 2 Power of Veto Competition:

Chris has told Hira and Brooke that they’re not his targets, but you can rarely really know who to trust in the Big Brother house. The only true way to guarantee yourself safety is with a Power of Veto win. Can Brooke or Hira win it?

Micheal has no clue that he’s the real target this week. Will the Big Brother Canada gods work in his favor by giving him one of the Veto player spots this week?

Chris announces that as HOH, he can’t play in the Veto. He then picks first. He draws Vanessa. She draws Carol, and then Chris picks again and gets Maddy. Chris lets Susanne host.

Michael and Maddy start to worry about the Veto, and they don’t want the Veto used, but Susanne tries to make them feel safe. She tells him that Chris really wants Minh out.

The Veto players have to crawl down a lane with a sled attached. They then must use their mouth to pick up fish puzzle pieces. They won’t need all the fish pieces but they need to grab the right ones to complete their puzzle. Hira has an early lead.

Hira wins the Power of Veto!

Canada voted to save one of the Have-Nots. They win a special meal and can skip the slop for the week. Vanessa gets saved and the meal.

Minh openly tells Vanessa that she wants to backdoor Kyle, and Vanessa is in a secret alliance with him, so of course she tells him. Kyle tries to change the plan to nominating and evicting Minh this week instead of Micheal.

BBCAN8 Week 2 Power of Veto Ceremony:

Chris talked all week about backdooring Micheal. It’s easy to talk about backdooring someone, but will he actually follow through with his plan?

Chris gives a speech about how everyone is afraid of a clique forming, so he needs to make a move against it. He then nominates Micheal. John Luke and Maddy are really angry. Maddy even calls Chris a liar.

Tomorrow, Micheal and Brooke face eviction. Who will go home?

Join us tomorrow for the exciting first official eviction of the Big Brother Canada 8 season.

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