Categories: BBCAN7

Big Brother Canada 7 Predictions: Is There Any Hope for Sam to Stay?

Many of the first Big Brother Canada 7 weeks were nail bitters in terms of who would leave on eviction night. The houseguests debated and ended up deciding at the very last minute. No one knew who would go home during Maki’s eviction. It came down to a tie. It was an exciting unpredictable time. Now it seems like the unpredictability of the first few weeks have long faded.

We’re likely to have another unanimous vote. This will be the fifth unanimous vote out of seven evictions. This is quickly making the season predictable and a steamroll. At this point, the Pretty Boys are untouchable, unless some of the other houseguests get un-brainwashed or Canada gets involved.

Este in no way seems like a threat to anyone in the game. She hasn’t been winning competitions, and she doesn’t seem like a master manipulator. Sam, on the other hand, has won some competitions. She’s also part of a strong and unbreakable duo with Adam. Also the Pretty Boys have wanted her out of the game since week 1. They control three of the votes this week against her. There are only six people voting, so at most all Sam can hope for is a tie.

The tiebreaker would be Cory, who is very proud of her plan to get out Sam. There is no way she would keep her in the house. Sam’s game is pretty much dead. We expect the votes to go as followed:

Anthony VTE Sam
Adam VTE Este
Damien VTE Sam
Dane VTE Sam
Kyra VTE Sam
Mark VTE Sam

Sam is evicted by a 5-1 vote.

Who do you think will leave the Big Brother Canada house tonight? Let us know by commenting below.

Join us later tonight for early spoilers about this week’s live eviction, and then a full recap of the events. Stay up to date on all the Big Brother Canada 7 action by following us on Twitter and Facebook. Also sign up for email updates and download our app!

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