Big Brother Canada 6 Predictions: Who Will Be Evicted Tonight? – Week 5

It is eviction day in the Big Brother Canada 6 house and it’s been pretty tense inside the house. There was some drama on the feeds the other day that involved one of the final noms and it looked like his fate may have been sealed. Will he be the one to go home tonight on Big Brother Canada? Keep reading to find out what I think and what you all thought based on the poll results from the other day!

Based on the poll results from the other day, it looks like 70% of you think that Ryan will be evicted tonight on Big Brother Canada 6. Based on the drama from the other day where Ryan told Paras that Ali and Olivia were talking about her behind her back, I would lean towards that being pretty accurate.

However, based on the talks in the house, it actually looks like Merron will be evicted from the Big Brother Canada 6 house tonight and Ryan is going to be the primary target week 6. Ali has really been pushing for Ryan to go home this week and according to Will, Daela threatened that if Ryan stays, they will keep Ryan one more week and Will will be put on the block. Will is not happy about being threatened for his vote and doesn’t plan on voting out Ryan just because everyone else is telling him he has to.

Will plans on voting to evict Merron just based on being “threatened” about his vote and it looks like Daela and Ali plan on voting to evict Ryan. Based on other conversations in the house, it looks like it might be a split vote and Erica might have to break the tie. In the end, I think that Erica will vote to evict Merron tonight.

What do you think about the decision to keep Ryan over Merron? Do you think that getting rid of Merron over Ryan is a smart game move? Let me know in the comments below or on social media!

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