Big Brother Canada 6 Episode 19 Recap: Can the POV Save Johnny?

On Monday, we saw Derek and Kaela once again take control on Big Brother Canada 6. The powerful duo is just making their target bigger and bigger. But while they’re in power, they have one main mission: Get out Johnny. They would be happy with a Ryan eviction as well, since he escape the block due to Canada. But they know Johnny is a bigger threat in the long term.

The best outcome for tonight’s Power of Veto Competition would be a Ryan or Johnny victory, this would force Derek and Kaela to really show their cards.

Ryan and Johnny are both dangerous players in their own right. Johnny is good at manipulating people and forcing his agenda, and he’s also good at these competition. Ryan seems to have 200 lives. He’s also no one to underestimate in these competition.

For Daela, both players are also targetting them.

BBCAN6 Week 7 Power of Veto Competition:

Derek, Johnny, and Ryan are very competent at these competitions. Ryan has won a couple, and came close to winning even more. Johnny has been showing himself to be a comp beast, and Derek finally won one after getting close to winning a few. This Power of Veto competition should be a thrilling one with all three men really wanting the power.

Maddy, Olivia, and Paras are picked to play in the veto along with Derek, Ryan, and Johnny. Ali was picked to host.

For this competition, they had to compete in rounds of competition. For the first round everyone had to launch balls at a target. The player to get their ball closest to the target automatically advanced to the final round.

For  second round, Paras and Olivia had to compete against each other as the last two placed in round one. They had to focus their launch at knocking down target cutouts. Olivia won this round, so Paras was eliminated.

Third round was Derek against Olivia. Derek easily hits his first target, and then they start coming down one by one. Derek wins the round.

The fourth round is Ryan against Derek. Derek beats Ryan easily.

The fifth round, it is between Derek and Maddy. Maddy actually does pretty well and it gets pretty close, but Maddy stops caring because they have the same agenda. Derek wins.

The final round is Derek against Johnny. This is also a pretty close battle, which each one knock it out one by one.

Derek wins the Power of Veto!

BBCAN6 Week 7 Power of Veto Ceremony:

Ryan wants Derek to not use the Veto because he thinks he has the best chance to stay in the game against him. Johnny tries to make deals to stay in the game with Derek using the Veto.

Now that the POV competition took place, is it time to make a big move against someone else? Or should we go into Thursday’s episode with a battle for safety against Ryan and Johnny?

Derek decides not to use the Veto. Join us tomorrow to see who goes home.

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