Big Brother Canada 4: Veto Plans In Week 5

The Veto Ceremony is coming up later today in the Big Brother Canada house as this week’s Veto holder has the chance to change up Tim’s nominations.

Maddy & Mitch talk game on Big Brother Canada 4 -Source: Global

Veto played out over the weekend and the upcoming decision is easy to predict, but what about what will happen next? We’ve got the details on that too.

Tim pulled Maddy aside and explained why she would be his renom if a spot opened up on the Block. Considering Ramsey is a nominee and holds the Veto this is a no-brainer.

Tim was open to Maddy that she had the third most votes from his Koala Nominations and it’d be hypocritical of him to change his approach now. He was also sure to point out if Dallas had used his 5 points and put them against Jared instead of refusing to participate and taking the points himself then Jared would have been the renom plan. Oops.

Maddy warns Tim that if he puts her on the Block then she’ll likely be evicted, but he promises her she has the votes to stay and if it’s a tie then he’ll break it in her favor.

We’re still days away from the vote, but there’s definitely an active effort to drum up votes to keep Dallas so Maddy could be right that she’s in the danger zone. Of course when the first five evicted HGs were all women then would it be that surprising to make the sixth the same? Eesh, we could be down to just 3 ladies left after either Kelsey or Loveita returns this week.

What do you think of Tim’s renom plan? Should he ditch the gummy bear votes and go a different route or is this the best idea for now?

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