Big Brother Canada 11 Spoilers: Claudia Plots Against Ty

Ty has never been in a great position in the Big Brother Canada 11 house, except maybe the first week, but once everyone saw Zach and his game, he became public enemy number one. He worsened his position when Zach and he threatened to leave the game. After Zach left, Ty had a chance for a restart. For a few days, it seemed like Ty started to decrease his target in the Big Brother Canada 11 house. 

Claudia and he started to discuss the possibility of working together and with that came the possibility of forming a new alliance with them as the center of it. Then Kuzie, Daniel, and Anika didn’t exactly want to work with him, but they weren’t rushing to get him out. Daniel even saved him with the Veto. Santina and Renee had made themselves bigger targets. Then this week’s Head of Household happened. 

Ty became the Head of Household and his game stock plummeted. The issues that players had with Ty previously began to resurface. He’s been quickly becoming enemy number one again and he has only continued to dig his own grave. Now someone who could and should have been his number one, Claudia, is also now plotting his demise.

It all started when Ty selected Shanaya to play in the Veto Competition. He apparently told her that he picked her as a sort of test of her loyalty. He wanted to see where she stood in the game. Shanaya didn’t like this and Claudia didn’t as well. Instead of this week being a happy showmancing week, it’s apparently caused a lot of angst among Ty and Claudia. 

Shanaya wants to use the Veto to save Renee, who is Ty’s target for the week. She knows that this will upset Ty, but she’s not going to lose an ally and friend because Ty tells her to do it. She’s also not going to let him dictate her game. Shanaya, Claudia, and Renee had a long game talk about trying to get Ty or Kuzie out of the game next.

In their minds, Kuzie and Ty are working together. They see her as his closest ally, so they need one of them gone soon. They also know that Kuzie is part of a trio with Daniel and Anika, so it makes sense to take her out. They also believe that she has the best chance to win the Big Brother Canada 11 game. Therefore, Kuzie is also a threat as just a really good player. Claudia, Shanaya, and Renee still don’t want to work with Santina, but they don’t see her as an immediate threat–at least not to the same degree as Ty and Kuzie.

In fact, Shanaya, Renee, and Claudia want to work out a one-week deal to get them all together working to take out Ty. Claudia, Renee, and Shanaya even discuss different scenarios to make sure Ty goes, like if it’s a double eviction, triple eviction, or just a regular eviction this week. Shanaya wasn’t sure if she should nominate Ty initially or try to get him out via a backdoor. They generally agreed that some combination of Kuzie, Anika, and Ty needs to be at least Shanaya’s nominees if she wins the HOH.

They don’t want to nominate Daniel because they see the potential of working with him. Shanaya also isn’t sure about nominating Anika either because they have a good relationship, not a game one, but a personal one, but she would nominate her if necessary.

Claudia also said she would take a shot at Ty, but it might have to backdoor him. She said that this week really showed her that they likely can’t work together in this game. She also said she’s not picking him over her girls (Renee and Shanaya). Ty and Claudia later have a talk and he tells her that if Shanaya saves Renee, that puts a line in the sand. It’s Shanaya, not him, who is putting Claudia in the middle. This conversation clearly had hostility, so Claudia definitely seems ready to send her showmance partner to the jury house. 

This eviction is definitely going to divide the house, but everyone now wants to end Ty’s game. Daniel even discussed with Jonathan and Hope that not selecting any of them to play in the Veto and nominating Hope (and possibly Jonathan as a re-nominee) shows Ty’s loyalty. They can’t work with him. However, it seems like Ty does want to be loyal to Kuzie, Anika, Daniel, Claudia, and even Hope. He only nominated Hope because Hope volunteered to go on the Block when Santina was no longer eligible because of the Belairdirect Protection Insurance vote.

Hope didn’t want Ty to nominate any of the other Crown members so he jumped on the sword for them. Ty doesn’t seem to want Hope gone, so if the nominations change, he’ll likely push for Jonathan to go to the jury over Hope. Additionally, Claudia is afraid that Ty will find out that she is working with Shanaya and Renee more than him. Therefore, she doesn’t want to start working against him until after the Power of Veto Ceremony in case he decides to nominate her in Renee’s place.

After this week’s Big Brother Canada 11 eviction, it seems that everyone remaining in the game, except maybe Anika, will be trying to get out Ty. However, this eviction seems to be dividing the house with Claudia, Renee, and Shanaya on one side and Anika, Kuzie, and Daniel on the other. Santina is floating in the middle and both sides think Jonathan will be on their side. Hope is aligned with the Anika, Kuzie, and Daniel side but he may be gone from the game this week. 

Ty is on no one’s side but he believes he has Kuzie, Anika, and Daniel.

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