Big Brother Canada 10 Episode 28 Recap: Meet The Final Three Players

For Big Brother Canada 10 Live Feed watchers, it’s been a long couple of days as we’ve been completely out of the know. We will finally find out what happened at the last Big Brother Canada 10 Power of Veto Ceremony.

On Monday’s Big Brother Canada 10 episode, Josh Nash won the latest Head of Household Competition. He nominated Betty Yirsaw and Kevin Jacobs for eviction. He told Kevin and Haleena Gill that he wasn’t nominating Haleena because he didn’t want to mess up her zero nominations record. In reality, he wanted to use her zero nominations as a strike against her if they found themselves as the final two together.

For tonight’s Big Brother Canada 10 recap, we’ll watch the Power of Veto Competition and Ceremony play out. We’ll also see who ends up evicted–one place short of the final three. This sets up things for tomorrow’s BBCAN10 finale!

Let’s get into the episode!

Arisa Cox announces to the final four houseguests that in less than an hour, there will be an eviction.

BBCAN10 Week 10 Nominations Fall-out

Now that nominations are over, everyone needs to get ready and prepared for the Power of Veto Competition. It determines the outcome of this week.

Betty isn’t worried about being on the block because she knows the Veto matters. Betty and Josh discuss Kevin trying to manipulate Betty into evicting Haleena over him because of her no-nominations streak.

BBCAN10 Week 10 Power of Veto Competition 

All of the final four players can compete for Veto. So who wins and takes the game into their own hands?

The houseguests must climb through a maze designed like a sewer system. They also need to solve riddles as they go along. The houseguest to complete it the fastest wins the Veto.

Haleena is up first and starts to get lost in the maze, but solves the riddles pretty quickly. She struggles a bit on the final riddle.

Betty goes next and immediately gets lost in the maze. She continues to get lost throughout it. However, she solves the riddles fairly quickly.

Kevin is third up. Kevin navigates the maze well at first but then starts to get lost. Once he figures out the trick, he zooms through.

Josh goes last. Josh also loses his way through the maze, like the others, but gets back on track. He also stumbles on a  few trivia questions.





Josh wins the Power of Veto!

Josh scrambles to make a decision on who to evict. Kevin tries to use his persuasive power to get Josh to evict Betty.

BBCAN10 Week 10 Power of Veto Ceremony

Will the Veto be used? And who will cast the final vote? 

Josh stresses about who to keep off the block, but he ultimately decides to take Betty off giving her the sole vote.

Betty votes to evict…Haleena!

Leaving us with a Kevin, Betty, and Josh final three.

Random Notes

  • Jacey-Lynne joins the jury and they aren’t happy about it. They were rooting for her.
  • Hermon, Moose are bitter toward Haleena and Josh.
  • Marty says he’s undecided and will vote fair.

Join us tomorrow for the Big Brother Canada 10 finale recap! We’ll finally see who wins it all. Add us on Facebook and Twitter and download our app to continue to follow Big Brother Canada updates all season and beyond.

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