Big Brother Canada 10 Episode 16 Recap: Blindside Veto

Big Brother Canada 10 ended Monday’s episode on a major cliffhanger. Head of Household Martin “Marty” Frenette became upset while talking to Kevin Jacobs about what he believes was a malicious attempt by Betty Yirsaw and Josh Nash to set him up for nomination and eviction last week.

The episode didn’t even allow Marty to make his nominations before springing a “to be continued “ on viewers. For this Big Brother Canada episode, we’ll see who Marty eventually nominates. Then we’ll watch the Power of Veto Competition play out. 

The episode should end with the Power of Veto Ceremony, but wouldn’t be surprised if viewers get another “to be continued.” Let’s jump into this week’s Wednesday Big Brother Canada 10 recap.

BBCAN10 Week 6 Nominations

Kevin admits in the DR that he played a major part in trying to flip the vote but he’s glad Marty has selective memory.

Marty is upset because he feels this Gino vote doesn’t look good in his character. Betty and Josh both try to work to save themselves from the block.

Marty asks Moose to be a pawn. He still wants to get Josh or Betty off. Moose doesn’t think it is a good idea.

Who will Marty put up on the block?

Marty nominates Josh and Betty.

Marty tries to mention people trying to backdoor him. He questions the players for trying to backdoor a 43 year old man. Marty confronts Summer about Jess saying that Summer was trying to backdoor him. Summer denies it.

BBCAN10 Week 6 Power of Veto Competition

Once again, will a nominee win the Veto and change the course of the week?

Gino, Summer, and Kevin were selected to compete along with Betty and Josh. The houseguests basically had to compete in a series of challenges. The first involved houseguests throwing balls in a hole. The houseguests to sink six first advanced to the next round.

Betty vs Kevin results in Betty being eliminated.

The second competition involved houseguests stocking blocks and then having to solve a puzzle. The first houseguest to solve the puzzle and move to other side advances to the next round.

Josh vs Gino results in Josh’s elimination.

this next round involves houseguests have to travel on a balancing beam and stacking them in their corresponding colors.

Summer vs Gino results in Summer being eliminated, but she threw it.

The final round comes down into putting together a 3D crossword puzzle. They then have to find all the houseguests and use intersecting letters to find a word.

Gino figures out word but doesn’t know how to spell nominees.

Kevin wins the Veto!

Haleena tries to encourage Marty to allow Kevin to use the Veto so that Hermon could go up on the block. Marty isn’t about the plan, but Haleena persists. Kevin then works to get Marty to nominate Hermon.

Marty then pitches the idea to Gino to test his loyalty. Gino agrees that it’s the best move.

Gino agrees because he doesn’t want to risk angering an already emotional Marty. Marty plans to backdoor Hermon.

BBCAN10 Week 6 Power of Veto Ceremony

For the past five weeks, every Veto Ceremony has resulted in a change of nominations. Will this week repeat that pattern?

Episodes ends again with “to be continued.”

Join us tomorrow for a brand new Big Brother Canada 10 live eviction episode. Make sure to add us on Facebook, Twitter, and download our app for all things BBCAN10.

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