Big Brother Canada – Coming Up: Week 7 Veto Ceremony

Big Brother Canada - JillianBig Brother Canada - Jillian

Later today the Big Brother Canada Veto Ceremony will be held and we’re expecting some action based on what we’re hearing on the Feeds. Read on for some spoilers on what is about to happen.

Peter is obviously going to put his Veto to use and save himself which means someone has to fill that vacancy. That’s where the fun starts.

Despite making a deal during the last HoH competition, Jillian is ready to go back on her agreement with Topaz and name her as today’s renom.

Not only that, but Alec may have just dodged an eviction bullet. Emmett and Jillian have discussed that they’re okay with keeping Alec over Topaz since once she’s gone they won’t have an enemy left. But come on, when no one but friends are left in this game they still have to turn on one another and who would be easier to beat in the next challenge? Topaz or Alec? Well they’ve both won competitions, but I think I’d be more worried about Alec.

What do you think Jillian should do at today’s Veto ceremony? Is she making the right choice for her Big Brother Canada game?

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