Big Brother Canada 9 Spoilers: The HOH and Team Safe This Week Is…


The Big Brother Canada 9 live feeds have officially started, so spoilers are on their way. Tonight’s episode of BBCAN9 ended with the first eviction, and now we know which team is up for eviction because of the Live Feeds. Big Brother Canada 9 has a special twist for a few weeks, the houseguests will have to compete on teams. Each week, based on who wins the competition, the entire team will be safe that week.

The first week resulted in a Team Destiny win, putting Team Defenders on the block. It was a back and forth to the very end about which member of Team Defenders would be the first one evicted. Eventually, it came down to it being between Julie, Rohan,  Josh, or possibly LaToya. LaToya was pushing for a Julie eviction and it looks like she got her way, because Julie was the first player evicted from the BBCAN9 house.



The BBCAN9 feeds kicked off to some general chitchat and we heard that once again Team Defenders are up for eviction. It seems that there was some sort of balancing competition and Austin won it.

  • Austin is the New Head of Household.

Austin is a member of Team Destiny, so Victoria, Tychon, Tera, Tina, Kyle, and Beth are all safe this week.

  • Team Defender is in danger: Jedson, LaToya, Josh, Rohan, and Breydon.

We don’t know yet if this week will be a little different from last week with Austin actually picking two players from Team Defenders to be on the block, or if the six remaining Team Defenders players will all be on the block again.

It should be an interesting week with Austin in power, and another bad week for Team Defenders.

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