Categories: BBCAN6

Big Brother Canada 6 Premiere Recap: Houseguests Move In

Big Brother Canada 6 arrived tonight on Global with its season premiere featuring the arrival of 14 all-new Houseguests plus the first twist of the season with four more HGs battling in the court of public opinion for a chance at two more seats in the game. We’re ready to find out who won the first HoH competition and which HGs could be heading to the Block to be the first out this season.

Trying to figure out how to watch Big Brother Canada from the US? We’ve got details on what you need to do to watch along tonight and all season.

It’ll be a busy night here on BBCAN as we have to squeeze in meeting all these new faces and having a big competition to set the power. So let’s get to the show and see who takes the lead in most annoying HGs and who knows to play the game smart and slow boil their way to the top.

We’ll be here live recapping the whole thing so be sure to stick with us for the results and to chat along with other friends below in the comment section.

Host Arisa Cox announced that this season will give the fans more access than ever. She promises that we will have the most control ever. The house will be divided with downstairs being hell and upstairs being heaven.

BBCAN 6 HGs Move-In:

Time to send those HGs on in the front door. Let’s see who goes in first and who gets off on the right foot with each other tonight. Remember these HGs moved in days ago but we’re just now seeing these events.

First up is Erica. She mentioned being gay and how she can switch between being girly to being laid back.

Second up is Will. He talked about having a son at 17 years old, and that he’s playing for his him. He’s proud of his Newfoundland heritage.

Third is Kaela. She said people shouldn’t underestimate her. She’s one tough woman.

Fourth up is Hamza. He mentioned that he’s a soccer coach and said that he’s the best coach ever. He’s confident and not afraid to admit it.

Fifth up is Alejandra. She played up her latina flavor, even throwing some sassy comments, like ‘boy bye.’

They all enter the house, and everyone is friendly. We get the usual comments on the beauty of the house. Canada spared no expense for this mansion.

Next 5

Rozina. She said she’s a religious educator. She talked about her husband being traditional but encouraging her to do what she wants.

Andrew. He said he was a nonprofit founder and calls himself ‘a big bother.’

Johnny. He said that he was a house husband. Johnny said he’s going to let all his demons live in the house. He wants to take out any alpha male alliances.

Jesse. He said he’s used to big egos from his career. He’s ready for a showmance.

Olivia. Olivia calls herself ‘high-maintenance.’ She’s a beauty advisor and not the best at math. She plans to tell people like she sees it.

Rozina screams with excitement when she enters the house. She’s going to be a lively and loud one.

Last group:

Maddy. She said she’s looks sweet but she’s not: she’s petty, manipulative, and passionate.

Derek. He called himself a smalltown boy, but he also said he has a clothing line and fashion blog.

Ryan. He said that he wants to be a Big Brother villain. He comments that his I.Q is 150. He said he doesn’t mind making people cry. Ryan is more than ready to make a big move.

Paras. She said she’s a videogame geek. She said she got bullied younger.

BBCAN 6 Week 1 Head of Household Comp:

The first HOH is up for grabs and the HGs will have to head to the backyard (well, back indoor space) and see which of them can pull off that win.

Before the houseguests moved in, they randomly placed goblets on the dinning table. One of them is different, and whoever picks that one gets a power. Arisa tells them to all go in the living room to toast the new season.

Maddy handed Andrew a goblet that just happened to be  the special one. He now must split the house in half. Andrew has to pick seven houseguests for hell and seven for heaven. The heaven seven are safe for the week. The hell seven have to compete in the Head of Household competition. They also have to nominate two people from this group for eviction.

Andrew picks these people for heaven:








Andrew picks these people for hell:








The Head of Household competition soon begins after the seven hell players learn their fates. Whoever lasts longest without falling into a pit, wins this week’s HOH title. They must hang onto a wall contrapment that continues to lower, making it harder to stay on it and not fall into a pit.

Ali is the first to fall off. Maddy soon falls off, and then Rozina. Kaela also goes, and then Will, Johnny, and Paras talk about making a deal.

Johnny refuses to make a deal because he doesn’t trust Will or Paras.

Will finally falls off, so it comes down to Paras and Johnny. She asked him again about making a deal. He still doesn’t accept one. Rozina starts to yell words of encouragement to Paras to keep her on the wall.

Paras falls off and Johnny becomes the first Head of Household of season.

That’s it for tonight. Tomorrow we’ll see who wins the fan vote to join the remaining thirteen houseguests, and who Johnny nominates for eviction, Power of Veto competition, and the first live eviction. So join us again tomorrow. See you then Big Brother Canada fans!

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