Big Brother Canada 6 Live Feeds Discussion: There’s a New HOH in Town!

Last night on Big Brother Canada 6 we watched as another houseguest was evicted from the Big Brother Canada house. After the eviction, the remaining HGs competed in the HOH comp. We now know who the new HOH is, but what is their plan for the week? Find out here!

Erica is in the HOH this week and last night there wasn’t much chatter about what he plan was. This morning she had a conversation with Olivia and during this conversation she decided that she was going to put Maddy and Merron up. This is mostly because she hasn’t talked game much with them all that much. There are some plan b’s in place just in case one of them comes down.

If Maddy comes down, she is going to put Veronica up in her place, but if Merron comes down, Olivia tells her that she isn’t sure that Veronica will go home against Maddy. Erica thinks that she could still get Veronica out, but she is going to cross that bridge when they get to it.

Meanwhile, Hamza was having a conversation with Veronica about how he isn’t close to Erica game wise, just on a personal level. He tells Veronica that he kind of knew who Erica was going to put up based on Erica’s conversations with other HGs. He tells her that he noticed that the HGs in the house that she hasn’t had much to do with are Maddy and Merron, so it doesn’t surprise him that she is targeting one of them.

Hamza tells Veronica that she doesn’t have anything to worry about, Hamza thinks that if anything he is a bigger target than Veronica and they would target him before her. Which, should be true, but I think his personal connection with Erica is going to work in his favor this week.

A little later, we watched as Erica talked to Merron and lets him know that he is on the short list for going up during today’s nomination ceremony. She tells him that she thinks that he is well liked in the house and she doesn’t benefit from him going home. She implies that she is putting up one person as a target and another as a pawn. She does tell him that if he ends up on the block, he is not her target.

Who do you think Erica should renom if Maddy or Merron should be taken down by the Veto? Do you think Veronica is a good secondary target? Let me know in the comments below or on social media!

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