Big Brother Canada 6 Live Feeds Discussion: The House Meeting That Backfired

The Big Brother Canada 6 live feeds were down for 36 hours over the weekend and returned yesterday afternoon. There has been a little excitement in the house since they returned including a house meeting to discuss Ryan’s game play. With Ryan currently holding the HOH spot and Andrew and Hamza on the block, Ryan has been talking about getting Hamza out of the house. Veronica doesn’t like the sound of this plan and calls a house meeting in order to speak her mind and get some answers.

The house meeting didn’t really go as it was intended to. The point of this house meeting was for Veronica to call out Ryan for trying to flip the house and keep Andrew and vote out Hamza. He tells them that not one of them came up to the HOH room to talk to him about this all day and he tells them that he feels like he is a man with no allies and “a man with no allies in game that requires bullets to be fired, can shoot indiscriminately into a crowd.”

After that, he turned to Hamza and tells him that he thinks he is a stronger competitor, which makes him a bigger threat. Ryan adds that he isn’t backstabbing anyone. He reiterates that he just thinks that Hamza is a bigger threat in the game. Ryan then turns his attention to Veronica and tells her that he appreciate her trying to call him out and put a big target on him. He then tells her to “Bring it.”

Veronica tells Ryan that she isn’t trying to “beef” him right now, but he reminds her that she is the one that called the house meeting instead of talking to him privately in the HOH. Ryan was able to defend himself and pointed out that he had been in the HOH all day by himself and that any one of them could have come to talk to him. I think he handled this pretty well and may have actually earned some points with some of the other HGs. Erica even made a comment about how dumb this made Veronica look.

So, in case you missed any of the spoilers this week, here is a quick rundown of what we have found out on the Big Brother Canada 6 house this week.

  • Gate Crashers, Veronica and Merron, were added to the house and told to lie about why.
  • Ryan won HOH (which we saw on last night’s episode)
  • Erica, Hamza, Jesse and will are the Have-Nots this week.
  • Ryan has nominated Andrew and Hamza for eviction
  • The POV Players this week are Ryan, Hamza, Andrew, Erica, Jesse and Johnny. (Ali hosted)
  • Erica won the POV
  • Erica didn’t use it.

So far today has been pretty quiet on the live feeds. There is a lot of general chit chat among the HGs and a lot of talk about alliances and who they should be targeting next. There is no way around the fact that either Hamza or Andrew are going to be leaving the house this week.

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