Big Brother Canada 6 Live Feeds Discussion: Post Eviction Chatter!

What a night on Big Brother Canada 6! I know a lot of fans were hoping for a big shake-up and boy did they deliver. Keep reading to find out what happened on the live feeds after last night’s surprising eviction!

Most of us were hoping that something exciting was going to happen, but deep down inside, we all expected one of the final nominees to end up evicted. However, the twist that allowed Canada to vote to save one of the nominees came into play and an unexpected HG got put on the block.

Canada decided to use their twist to save Ryan last night, which was good for Ryan because he was the one who was going to walk out the door last night. Kaela then had to pick a renom and that renom was Erica. Kaela had talked about using her as a renom on the feeds so this didn’t really surprise us that much. At this point, we knew that something crazy was going to happen. We all knew that Erica’s gameplay put a target on her back, but we didn’t realize just how big that target was until Erica walked out the door last night on Big Brother Canada.

When the feeds came back after the HOH comp, we found out that even though Kaela was out of the HOH room, Daela was still very much in power. Derek won the HOH comp for week 7 and we have a pretty good idea of who his target is going to be. After watching the live feeds for a short time, we found that Johnny lied to the entire house and told everyone that he didn’t vote to keep Erica. Johnny was Erica’s closest ally, there couldn’t have been any HG that actually believed this, right?

Later on, Johnny came clean to Will, Paras, and Ryan and told them that he is a “lying piece of $h!t” and he feels horrible about it. He apologizes to them for lying and tells them that he knows he breached their trust, but they all play it off like it’s cool. This is a game after all. I really don’t think that Daela fell for the “I didn’t vote out Will” story either.

I think that Ryan is still a likely target, but if something should happen and Ryan is safe again this week, Johnny will be a backup option for Daela. Make sure you come back a little later today to find out who Derek nominates for eviction right here!

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