Big Brother Canada 5: Season Premiere This Wednesday

Wake up, Canada (and beyond) because here comes BBCAN5 with its season premiere on Wednesday night following the latest Survivor episode on GlobalTV.

So far we’ve met the Big Brother Canada 5 cast consisting of eight returning players and eight new faces and soon we’ll be watching them all move in and start the season ahead. Of course the game is actually well underway.

Move in for the season’s cast was held over the weekend and gave the opportunity for lucky fans in the audience to report back a few spoilers like the house theme for the season (space odyssey) and what was involved in the first HoH competition. We’ve got those early spoilers detailed here.

click to launch cast gallery slideshow
Emily Hawkin
Neda Kalantar
Dillon Carman

The Big Brother Canada 5 schedule will have episodes on Mondays (9/8c), Wednesdays (9/8c), and Thursdays (8/7c) so they’ve ditched Sundays (those 7PM air times were the worst!) and settled on all weekdays with just the “live” eviction shows moving up an hour earlier than the other two shows. Make sure your DVR is set so you don’t miss anything.

Feeds should start up Wednesday night and we’re anxious to figure out how we’ll be watching those from the US depending on when BBViewer is back in action. If we have to there is always the VPN option for accessing the free Feeds from Global’s website, but BBViewer is amazing so that’s my top hope.

As for watching the episodes from outside Canada, we’ll be checking for the streams and sharing those as available so be sure to join us on Facebook, Twitter, and get our Email Updates so you don’t miss any important BBCAN5 updates all season!

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