Big Brother Canada 4: Veto Plans In Week 6

The Power of Veto Ceremony is coming up later this morning for the Big Brother Canada 4 Houseguests and with the spoilers in on who won it this week the pending decision shouldn’t be a surprise.

Third Wheel alliance reunited on BBCAN4 – Source: Global

Last night we were catching up on the Feeds after they were pointlessly down for three days. Well, unless that point was to kill momentum and interest, then bingo! it worked. Anyway, we’re caught up now and have a good idea of what should happen at the Veto meeting.

All the power this week resides within the Third Wheel with Raul winning HoH and Jared taking the Veto comp for himself. That leaves things looking bleak for Mitch and Joel, Raul’s noms for the week.

Jared commented last night on the Feeds that he was not planning to use the Veto unless Raul gave him the go ahead to do so. Later we did see Mitch working on Raul, but there appears to have been no change.

Once the noms are locked for Thursday’s eviction vote we’ll see more action between Mitch and Joel working to rally support and that should be interesting. I’m hoping Mitch can overcome what BBCAN did to his game with their ridiculous twist that gives Kelsey a second chance while ruining Mitch’s one chance. It’s amazing how hard BBCAN production works against some of its best players year after year. A real shame.

We’ll have the Veto Ceremony spoilers later, but for now we should expect the Veto to go unused.

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