Big Brother Canada 11: Digital Dailies Highlights (03/21/23)

Big Brother Canada 11 gave us so much on Tuesday’s Digital Dailies. It set up a possible vote flip and a possible move that could hurt Zach‘s game. However, despite being longer, this Wednesday Digital Daily gave us a big pile of nothing. We won’t know until tomorrow if the votes are in Rob or Renee‘s favor to stay in the game.

From what we could gather, it seemed like the votes for this week had once again flipped to keeping Renee and letting Rob be the next to leave the Big Brother Canada 11 game. There was a lot of discussing votes but not a lot of confirming who will be walking out the door tomorrow.

Zach Wants A Break

Zach was busy on Tuesday making his rounds to the houseguests and trying to confirm that they were on his side. He talked about Santina being more emotional than he suspected and maybe wanting to play with Kuzie instead of Santina. According to Zach, Santina even started yelling at Rob at some point for mentioning her name.

Zach also talked about wanting to just have a break next week and not be the subject of so much drama. He even had a dance lesson with Kuzie as just some light fun in between all the gaming.

Jonathan Is Not Feeling Great About His Position

Jonathan ranted to Renee a little bit about being frustrated with the game. He also mentions believing that he will be next once Rob leaves. Renee disagreed and didn’t think his house position was as bad as he believes. Jonathan also confirmed to her that Rob had his vote but only to not have 0 votes. He thinks she’s safe. She completely understands and feels like Rob is to him what Hope is to her. She’s glad they found each other.

Jonathan also talks about his fears that he has become public enemy number one and that some people are already spreading lies about him.

Eventually, Rob joined this conversation and there was a bit of a pity party between the nominees. Both said they weren’t campaigning hard today because they believe everyone is kind of tired of it. They also said that the house will decide whatever they will decide and they can’t do too much to change it. Neither of them feels secure either way about the votes.

Vanessa’s Vote

On Wednesday, we may have seen our first Dan strategy conversation on the Digital Dailies. He talked to Zach about Vanessa saying that she wants to do what he wants but also has to do what’s best for her game. This may mean she votes out Renee. She also said that she doesn’t see how Renee benefits her game but her relationship with Dan is important, so may vote his way.

Santina and Rob also have a long conversation that’s not about the game, but just about their lives and getting to know each other. Dan also joins his roommates (Anika, Kuzie, Daniel, and Hope) to discuss forcing Hope to not take all the drawers away from them. Daniel is someone who seems undecided on his vote, but he seems to be leaning towards keeping Zach happy this week and voting out Rob.

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