Big Brother Canada 10 Spoilers: Week 7 Power of Veto Ceremony Results

The Big Brother Canada 10 Live Feeds were down for the majority of the day on Sunday. Therefore, the viewers missed much of the action. The feeds then went down pretty early in the day. Going into this week’s Power of Veto Ceremony, it was still a bit of uncertainty about this week’s Power of Veto Ceremony, but we could assume what could happen during it.

Warning Big Brother Canada 10 spoiler ahead. You have been warned. 

Head of Household Steven “Gino” Giannopoulos entered this week with one goal: backdoor Martin “Marty” Frenette. He thought that the best way to achieve this would be to nominate Moose Bendago and Summer Sayles. Then have the Veto used to save one of them. He informed almost everyone about his plan, and those he didn’t inform found out.

Basically, everyone knew about this backdoor but the intended target. Gino’s plan seemingly is going to fail miserably today. One of the few players who couldn’t win this week’s Power of Veto Competition to ensure that the plan happened, won it. Haleena Gill won the Power of Veto Competition. Kevin Jacobs and her want Marty to stay because he’s good for their long-term game.

It would have been truly a shock if Haleena used the Veto. Not using the Veto also puts Gino in a lot of trouble if Marty wins the HOH next week because most likely everyone will tell him so that he returns the favor by backdooring Gino next week.

BBCAN10 Week 7 Power of Veto Ceremony Results

  • Haleena did not use the Veto.

Haleena has broken the streak of the Veto being used every week this year. Currently, Moose is on his way to join his buddy Hermon Nizghi in the Big Brother Canada 10 jury house.  However, there is always a chance of a Veto flip. There was also a twist with this week’s Power of Veto Ceremony…

Make sure to join us later tonight for another Big Brother Canada 10 recap. Add us on Facebook and Twitter and download our app for all things BBCAN10.

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