Big Brother Canada 10 Episode 10 Recap: A New Target Steps Up


Steven “Gino” Giannopoulos found himself in an interesting position when he won this week’s Head of Household Competition. He had just been betrayed by nearly the entire house. The only players he had in the same confused boat as he were Kyle Moore and Jacey-Lynne Graham. He had to figure out whether to seek revenge on those who betrayed him, play it safe by not making himself standout anymore, or try to repair damaged game relationships. He ended up attempting to do all three this Big Brother Canada 2022 week. 

He got some revenge by nominating former close ally Martin “Marty” Frenette. He kept it neutral this week by nominating Jessica Gowling. While taking Head of Household meetings, he tried to repair his broken game relationships. Tonight, we’ll see if either Jessica or Marty can take control over their game fate by winning this week’s Big Brother Canada Power of Veto Competition.

Let us get into this week’s Big Brother Canada 10 Power of Veto Competition episode recap! 

BBCAN10 Week 4 Nominations Fall-Out

Marty wasn’t happy with Gino’s speech. Will he confront him about it? 

Marty fires himself up to win the Veto. Summer tells Gino that she would have rather seen Kyle up but understands that Kyle is his ally. Gino says in the DR that he expects Jess or Marty to win Veto and he can make the next move. Betty and Josh agree that Marty shouldn’t be up on the block. Jess is there when this s said, so they tell them that they also shouldn’t be on the block.

Gino and Marty eventually talk it out. Marty says he felt hurt by the words that Gino used to describe why he put him on the block. Marty then tells Gino that he’s coming after him, Kyle, and Jacey-Lynne. They then get some cookies as a temptation.

BBCAN10 Week 4 Power Of Veto Competition 

Who will take the Veto win?

Marty spins the wheel and gets houseguest’s choice and picks Summer, because of her hatred for Kyle in the game, he thinks she might take him off. Jess also gets houseguest’s choice and picks Tynesha because they’re trying to build trust with her.  Gino spins the wheel and it lands on Haleena.

For ths Veto competition, the players are dressed as elves and must stack up packages horizontally without dropping them. They would also be offered a package with a letter from home. Summer is the only one to take, but Tynesha breaks down from not taking it. Summer is the first one out, followed by Haleena.  Tynesha then drops her blocks.

It’s between Jess and Marty, so a nominee will come off the block this week. Jess then drops their boxes.

Marty wins the Power of Veto!

Jess breaks down after they lose the Veto. Gino begins to ponder who to nominate. Summer begins to work on trying to get Gino to nominate Kyle. Kyle then tries to influence Gino to put up Moose. Gino worries that Kyle learned nothing from last week. Summer tells Gino that he needs to disassociate from Kyle.

Gino talks to Marty about possibly nominating Kyle to hopefully open some doors for his game. Gino tells Kyle that he’s gong to have to put him on the block.

BBCAN10 Week 4 Power of Veto Ceremony

Will the Veto be used?

Marty removes himself from the block. Gino names Kyle as his replacement. Tomorrow either Jess or Kyle will be going home.

Random Notes

  • Marty brings up Gino’s speech when giving his POV Ceremony speech. He tells Gino that it sucks to suck.

Make sure to join us tomorrow to see who goes this Big Brother Canada 10 week. Add us on Facebook, Twitter, and download our app for all things BBCAN10. 

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