Naeha Sareen: Big Brother Canada 3 Profile

Naeha Sareen joins the Big Brother Canada 3 cast as a new Houseguest looking to put her athletics and savvy social game to the test for her chance to win Season 3.

Naeha is a 29-year old chiropractor from Toronto where she also operates a handbag business and custom truffle company. Sounds like a workaholic here!

Back home Sareen’s entire family will be watching her compete on BBCAN3 as they’re a serious super fan family that watches Big Brother around the world. Naeha should come well prepared for the game with this much background on what to expect.

Naeha Sareen hopes her athletic lifestyle (marathon runner) and intelligence will help her along on Big Brother Canada but like most of her competition, she’s concerned about the memory games. Maybe Big Brother will load up on them for this cast with all these voiced concerns.

If she wins the $100K prize Naeha would like to do something for her parents and travel international before putting some of the money back in to her multiple businesses.

We’ll soon see if Naeha Sareen will win Big Brother Canada 3 when the new season premieres in March 2015.

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