Kenny Shocks The Big Brother Canada House With Gay Reveal [PICS]

While the audience and Sarah have known Kenny is gay it was a big secret to the rest of the Big Brother Canada house. Well, until today that is.

Rachelle shocked by Kenny’s revelation – Source: Slice

As the HGs all gathered round the hot tub for a truth session Kenny decided to let loose his big surprise on them in their tree of trust. After leaning over and whispering to Sarah Kenny announces, “F*** it. I’m gay!”

Adel immediately laughs “no you’re not” thinking Kenny is joking around, as the mood has been very light hearted, but then they soon realize Kenny is serious. Everyone comes over and gives Kenny a hug and a few handshakes from the guys as they cheer Kenny on for being comfortable enough with them to share his story.

Lots of gasps and surprised faces around the hot tub as Kenny explains why he hadn’t shared the news before and how glad he is to get to tell them. Allison later jokes, “my heart is so happy, but my girl parts are sad.”

Sabrina tries to make a joke, but falls on her face with it. She says something about that being why Kenny likes yoga. Kenny tells Sabrina that’s a terrible thing to say and yoga is good for everyone regardless of sexuality. Sabrina quickly tries to backpedal and proclaims her three best friends are gay. Good grief Sabrina is a mess.

The guys joke around with Kenny and are all very supportive. Jon says if Big Brother asked him to guess which HG was gay the last one he would have guessed was Kenny. Adel jokes that if he had to guess it obviously would have been Arlie.

All in all it goes over very well with the house and everyone enjoys hearing Kenny’s stories about coming out to his family and things that have happened in the house so far as he kept it a secret to himself. You can be sure this will be part of Thursday’s show as it was a big event on the Feeds.

Check out pictures below from Kenny’s reveal to his fellow HGs.

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