Big Brother Canada Spoilers: Week 7 Veto Competition Results

The Big Brother Canada Feeds are finally back and with it come the Power of Veto competition spoiler results

This week’s Veto competition included the two noms, Head of Household, and three extra HGs selected from the bag. Read on to find out which one of them won the PoV.

Big Brother Canada Spoilers: Week 7 Veto Competition Results:

Peter won the Veto, barely beating out Jillian, the current HoH, in another timed competition.

It is rumored that many of the competitors quit, possibly out of frustration. Talla is said to have taken over an hour while the winning time was around thirteen minutes.

Alec may have also quit the competition out of alleged guilt over Peter’s nomination.

Jillian is now considering naming Topaz as the renom to sit next to Alec on the block.

Are you glad Peter won the Veto or would you have rather seen the Shield set for inevitable elimination?

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