Big Brother Canada Spoilers: Week 4 Veto Ceremony Results

This week’s Big Brother Canada Power of Veto ceremony is over and we have the spoiler results. If you can’t wait until Wednesday’s episode for the big reveal then read on to find out what happened. Otherwise steer clear of the spoilers below.

The winner of this week’s PoV, Alec, has decided not to use the Power of Veto. A good choice considering the alternative where Gary promised a renom of Peter should Alec choose to go after one of the original noms.

Now either Tom or Liza will be sent packing and Gary might not have as much control over that decision as he thinks he might right now.

Do you think Tom made the right decision? Would you have used the Veto and named a renom instead?

Then of course there’s the double eviction chaos coming up so there should be even more craziness on our way later this week on Big Brother Canada.

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