Big Brother Canada 9 Spoilers: Week 4 HOH Results

Big Brother Canada 9 is turning out to be a dog-eat-dog game. It’s only week 4, and the houseguests have been playing very cutthroat. Victoria has been the most ruthless so far, as she was willing to do everything possible to get out her number one target LaToya. She succeeded and is sitting pretty unless one of the three people that she burned ends up in power. Victoria is in an alliance with pretty much the entire house, except Jedson, Tychon, and Beth, and she just sent their closest ally home.  She also wanted to try to manipulate Tychon and Jedson into believing that Beth betrayed them.

Tychon, Jedson, and Beth are officially at the bottom of the house. They’re the main three targets for everyone in the house (except maybe Kiefer), so if one of the three of them doesn’t win power, this week could involve two or all of them seeing the block.

Emotions have to be high with a blindside happening. It’s going to be an intense Head of Household and determine the power structure going forward. If any of the Oddballs win, then it might be a walk to the finish line for that huge alliance. If Jedson, Tychon, or Beth win, they may be able to get some allies back and not all go out early. Kiefer is a wildcard right now as he’s only truly aligned with Tera and Tina. So who won this important HOH competition? Read below to find out!

In a surprising turn of events, BBCAN9 showed the HOH competition live during the episode. It was a disc competition where players had to slide their disc down a numbered board. The player to get the highest score would become this week’s HOH.

The scores were as followed:

Tera-8 points

Kyle-8 points

Breydon-0 points

Kiefer-10 points

Jedson-9 points

Beth-4 points

Austin-10 points

Tina-0 points



It came down to a tie round between Austin and Kiefer

BBCAN9 Week 4 HOH Results

  • Kiefer is the new Head of Household.

He beat Austin with a final score of 9 to 7. Kiefer will be an interesting HOH this week because he’s now kind of in the middle where he’s on neither side, but he’s most likely to not go after Tina, Tera, and possibly Tychon, Jedson, or Beth. Austin or Victoria maybe his target or he could go bigger by striking at Kyle and Rohan. It should be another interesting week.

Join us again tomorrow to find out who the new HOH plans to nominate and who actually hits the block. Also stay updated on all the latest BBCAN9 spoilers by liking us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, and download our app.

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