Big Brother Canada 6 Poll: Who Will be Evicted Week 8? (POLL)

This week should really be a no-brainer when it comes to who will be evicted from the Big Brother Canada house, but things have been going on in the house that could leave you scratching your head. Keep reading and then let me know who you think will be going home this week on Big Brother Canada 6 by voting in the poll below!

Everyone has been talking about getting Derek or Kaela out of the house for a couple weeks now, but no one has made any moves towards that until Johnny won the HOH this week. He put Derek and Kaela up on the block together and then Derek won the Veto and took himself down. At the Veto Ceremony, Johnny renom’d Ali thinking that no one would vote against her and they would finally break up the show’s only showmance.

But not so fast! On the feeds last night, Will, Maddy and Paras talk about flipping the vote to keep Kaela and get Ali out. They said that Ali is shady and has called them all floaters. They also think that they can use Daela for numbers by threatening to take three out of four winning jury votes away from them. They have all been guaranteed final 5 from Daela so that played a big part in this decision.

Things could get real interesting this week, make sure you keep up with all the details here with our Big Brother Canada spoilers. In the meantime, let me know what you think of this plan? Do you think they will go through with it and save Kaela or stay loyal to Johnny and split up Daela? Let me know by voting in the poll below!

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