Big Brother Canada 6 Live Feeds Discussion: HGs Given a Task!

Yesterday on the Big Brother Canada 6 live feeds, the HGs were given a task. Apparently, production was sick of looking at the house in shambles, so they made a game out of cleaning the entire house. Keep reading to get all the details!

Throughout the day there was a lot of campaigning in the house. Jesse is really trying hard to convince the entire house that Olivia can’t be trusted and she should be the one evicted this week on Big Brother Canada. The only HG that Jesse hadn’t talked to was Merron, Derek tells him not to and that he will do it for him. Derek and Jesse agree that they have to go after Hamza next week.

The talks continue and then all of a sudden, Merron comes out of the DR with a message for the Big Brother Canada HGs. He calls everyone to the living room so he can read the card. The card gives them a task, it’s a cleaning task and if they complete the task, they will win a reward. This is what the card said:

Hello, houseguests. You guys know that it is hard work living together in a house of 14 people and it is an even tougher job keeping the house clean. Now, it is time to put your cleaning skills to the test…and your dancing skills! Big Brother is giving you all 30 minutes to transform this place from filthy to fantastic but when you hear Big Brother’s music play, you must clean and dance at the same time. If you successfully clean the house, everyone will earn a tasty reward but be careful, if Big Brother catches you not dancing to the music, you will earn a strike. Three strikes and no reward for anyone. Good luck you filthy animals, let the cleaning and dancing begin now!

The HGs started scrambling looking for cleaning supplies and started cleaning the entire house. They started dividing up the rooms and tackling the cleaning. Not going to lie, this was a pretty entertaining thing to watch. Cleaning the bathroom, making the beds and cleaning the bedrooms, the kitchen and every other room in the house had to be done in just 30 minutes. Only ten minutes into the cleaning and dancing task, the HGs are exhausted. That doesn’t stop them from finishing the job.

The feeds went down about 10 minutes before their time was up and when they came back, the HGs were relaxing and playing pool. What did you think of the task they were given? Let me know in the comments below or on social media!

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