Big Brother Canada 6 Live Feeds: And Then There Were Five

We now know who the F5 on Big Brother Canada 6 are and they are all a little antsy about who the HOH is going to be putting on the block this week. Keep reading to find out what’s been chatted about in the Big Brother Canada house right here!

After the exciting triple eviction that took place last night on Big Brother Canada 6 that sent Ali, Johnny, and Olivia to the Jury, there are now only five HGs left in the house. They will all be playing in the Veto comp so that’s going to be really important for the remaining HG because it will solidify their place in the F4 along with this week’s HOH.

With Kaela in the HOH this week it is pretty clear that Derek and her will both make it through to F4. She will put up a combination of two of the other three HGs as her nominees and then if one of them should win Veto, she will just replace them with the other. Which ones will she put up first? Maddy knows that she is the fifth wheel in this group, Paras and Will are with Daela and proved loyal to them throughout the first eviction last night.

I think that regardless of who Maddy is on the block with this week, she will be sent home. If she is next to Paras, Will will save her and if Will is on the block with her Paras will save him. Kaela has voiced to at least Maddy that if she makes F3, she will not be bringing Derek with her. Kaela tells Maddy that if her and Will end up in the F3 together and she wins, she will take the other person with her to F2.

Maddy isn’t feeling good about her chances of being kept in the house, it will be most important to her for her to win the Veto this week. Everyone else in the house has someone rooting for them. Paras and Will have each other and Derek and Kaela clearly have each other. Maddy is really worried but knows that she at least has the Veto.

As far as this week, the talks in the house this week aren’t really going to matter much until after the Veto is played. Who would you like to see make it to the F4? Let me know in the comments below or on social media. Stay tuned for the nomination ceremony results a little later today.

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