Big Brother Canada 3: Veto Plans For Week 6

The Power of Veto competition was held Friday night and took a mere 6+ hours to complete. So now that that’s over, what have we got in the works? Houseguests have been plotting on the Feeds as the Ceremony approaches.

Pilar isn’t looking forward to this – Source: Global

The PoV Ceremony will be held on Monday and the new Head of Household has a plan to keep things on track for the next Big Brother Canada 3 eviction. Here’s what’s being worked.

Godfrey pulled off the Power of Veto victory last night on the BBCAN3 Feeds which means he’ll be coming down off the block and forcing Pilar to name a renom. Right now she’s get her sights set on Brittnee.

Pilar still wants to get Sindy evicted and putting Brittnee up there is likely to help make that happen. She’s worried that if Bruno or Bobby went up then enough HGs make take advantage of the opportunity like we saw last round.

Another advantage of using Brittnee, from Pilar’s perspective, is that Brittnee has been up the block before and this might not be as shocking to her as another HG.

Sindy probably won’t have much of a chance against Brittnee so if she hopes to survive the week then she needs to work on Pilar and her closest allies to make them find another target more attractive.

We’re expecting the Power of Veto Ceremony to be held Sunday afternoon so watch for more Big Brother Canada spoilers soon.

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