Big Brother Canada 2 Spoilers: Who Won Buzzworthy HG Contest

Big Brother Canada 2 BuzzWorthy Challenge – Source: Slice

On Sunday, online Big Brother Canada viewers were furiously voting for the most “Buzzworthy” HG as part of a fun task that catered to the online viewers with its short duration and no mention during Sunday night’s broadcast.

The Big Brother Canada HGs were challenged to be the most entertaining player in a twelve hour battle to earn the most mentions on Twitter by entertaining the Feedsters. That lead to lots of craziness with the guys stripping down and Kenny oiling up. The girls went for some very creative costumes.

All the HGs knew was that the winner would get news from the outside world and a special power. So which BBCAN2 HG snagged the win? Read on for the spoilers.

Last night Adel was called in to the Diary Room and awarded the prize. But just what did he get? It’s hard to tell.

Since the news was revealed to Adel in the DR only Adel currently knows for sure what he won. Adel did tell Ika that the power allows him to change one of the Veto players with himself. That would prevent a backdoor attempt on his game.

Unfortunately for us, Adel is also telling other HGs that he can Veto nominees. So there’s obviously different stories coming out of Adel. We won’t know for sure until it’s aired on an upcoming episode, probably Thursday’s show.

Update: Ika and Adel plotted to spread the lie that he could veto noms over the next few weeks. The power might just allow him to play for Veto and it lasts all season.

As for the “news from the outside world” reward Adel said he got to see Twitter comments including one that said he was “seeing through” Sabrina. Maybe he’s telling the truth, but we don’t know that either. That’s a huge advantage to get that sort of feedback so I’m hoping it was world news kind of news, not fans sending him tips on the game.

We’ll keep watching the Feeds to find out what Adel is up to in the house with his win and what this power could mean for the game.

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