Big Brother Canada 12 Spoilers: Week 7 Power of Veto Competition And Ceremony Results

After the latest episode, the Big Brother Canada 12 Digitial Dailies dropped late this evening, It was three days’ worth of content. The finally answered some very important questions: who won the Power of Veto Competition and what happened at the Power of Veto Ceremony? Tuesday’s episode began to lay the groundwork for what happened at the Power of Veto Ceremony. The episode showed Victoria wanted to take out Lexus this week instead of Todd or Tola. She made the huge mistake of letting Anthony know her Big Brother Canada 12 plan.

He wasn’t about to let Victoria take out two of his allies in a row.  Anthony easily made Victoria go from wanting Lexus out of the game to wanting Kayla out. It all depended on who won the Power of Veto and if they were willing to remove Todd or Tola from the block. The odds favored that outcome because Bayleigh wanted to save Todd, and Todd and Tola wanted to save themselves. Only Kayla and Lexus had the potential to keep the nominations the same. 

We knew one of the Hot Chocolate women was likely in danger of eviction. It just depended on how influential Anthony became this BBCAN12 week. 

BBCAN12 Week 7 Power of Veto Competition Results

  • Bayleigh won the Power of Veto!

BBCAN12 Week 7 Power of Veto Ceremony Results

  • Bayleigh used the Veto to save Todd. Avery named Kayla as his replacement. 

You can read a full account of how Kayla became the target this week. To summarize, Anthony got into Victoria’s head about Kayla maybe targeting her because of what Elijah said before he left the game. He then had Lexus help plant more seeds about Kayla  playing both sides. They pushed that Kayla also wanted Avery out of the house because she wins competitions (meanwhile Todd was actually the one pushing that narrative). 

Kayla got painted as someone that no one could trust. This made the entire house want her out. She would need a miracle at this point to stay in the game.  We’ll have to wait until later tonight to see if she can pull of the seemingly impossible. 

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